Quality parts, delivered in the right quantity and at the right time is a vital for your manufacturing processes to meet customers’ needs.

Best parts sourcing from reputable suppliers at right costs.

Good quality parts, in the right quantity delivered at the right time.

Total Landed Cost of all products defined proactively.

Make vs Buy Analysis allows flexibility when to make it in-house versus outsourcing.

How successful is your purchasing activities? Do you know if you are receiving the best quality parts for the money? Do you always receive them in the right quantities? Are they delivered at the right time for you to meet your goals? 

Sourcing from reputable suppliers is critical for your supply chain to be successful!  Good quality parts, delivered in the right quantity and at the right time is a vital for your manufacturing processes to meet your customers’ needs.

The goal is to manage a supply chain process that support your company’s sales and production goals……but sometimes that balance if off.  We provide the processes and tools for balancing supply and demand and can implement a re-shoring activity to reach “lowest cost”, thus maximizing profit.  Third party logistic provider selection and management can be tricky but we have worked both, inside these organizations and along side them and have the knowledge to leverage results.  We deliver real, pragmatic, no-nonsense, cost effective solutions.

Our team that has the right experience and capability to tackle your sourcing and purchasing challenges. We partner and collaborate together to ensure you are successful. 

Our services are about the selection and developing of capability and supply-base management.

Are your systems designed to notify suppliers what is needed and when? Have you trained suppliers to notify you of product availability if you arrange the logistics? Does their systems interface with yours?

Right Criteria

Ensuring the selection criteria and performance indicators are built into the decision-making criteria should be done before any purchases are made.

  • Do you really only want the lowest cost items?
  • Or do you want the right costs and right delivery of the right parts so they are there when you need them?

Strategic Suppliers

The rationalization of your supply base is a key step to know how many suppliers are needed, who they are and how to continuously improve their value.  

Sourcing of parts starts with creating a plan for every part using all detail. This ensures that the suppliers costs are inside the total “landed cost”.

Our total “Landed Cost” approach captures all costs from point-of-use at the customers location, to suppliers and manufacturing process costs. Our services capture, examine and negotiate part price to ensure your greatest profit.

Are your systems designed to notify suppliers what is needed and when? Have you trained suppliers to notify you of product availability if you arrange the logistics? Does their systems interface with yours?